Saturday, May 11, 2013


'CRIME  FORENSICS'                                   Now, Ready  To  ReaD.                                                                                               By Arun  Bhoi (                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Arun Bhoi (Forensic Expert), has written an all rounding book ‘CRIME  FORENSICS’ (In Marathi), which will stand as a guide  in crime investigation and will be a true friend for the police personnel and informative to everyone.
The author has rendered 28 years  of service in the Forensic  Science Laboratories , State of Maharashtra, as a Forensic Analyst - Chemical Analyser , as also, Supervisory Officer as Assistant Director (Ex.) and I/C  Dy. Director (Ex.) in various faculties. The author haves the intense experience of ‘Scene of Crime’ visits, Court Room appearances and Examination of Crime Materials from the Medico Legal cases registered under different sections of IPC, Cr.P.C., NDPS Act, Explosives Act, Essential Commodities Act,  Bombay Prohibition Act, Anti - Corruption Act, Arms Act viz. explosives, tranquilizer drugs, narcotic drugs (Heroin, Charas, Ganja etc.), petrol – diesel adulteration, cement adulteration, anti – corruption cases, forgery – documents, stolen vehicles – restoration of original  engine/chassis numbers, poisons – insecticides in visceral material, illicit liquors/foreign liquors -  toddy samples, alcohol consumption cases (Blood alcohol), physical matching, cut marks, ballistics  and much more.
The author has guided  police officers and staff at refreshers  workshops and explored the working of the FSL’s.  The participants were asking for the notes which was a pretty tedious and voluminous job and this only gave a birth to a book titled ‘CRIME  FORENSICS’ (Marathi). It contains appropriate information related to almost every type of crime, crime material, crime investigation and its scientific analyses.  
‘CRIME  FORENSICS’ will be helpful and guide police officials, crime investigators to follow a correct path right from  crime visits to protection of crime scene, scientific search of crime exhibits, its collection, packing, making of records, post mortem examination, handling of viscera and articles, preparing various forwarding letters, making the relevant questionnaires, depositing crime exhibits and viscera for chemical analysis in designated Forensic Laboratories and obtaining the CA reports from Forensic Labs.
Following things are elaborately explained with the help of figures, tables, law sections and important case judgments / histories for easiness  in the book titled ‘CRIME  FORENSICS’ (Marathi).
0   1. Forensic Science and its development. Forensic Science Laboratories in Maharashtra.  2. Scene of Crime Visits, its Protection and Preserverance, Scientific  search for  crime clue material. 3.  Principles of Exchange : Edmond Locard and  Hans Gross. 4. Footprints, Gates Pattern and Gayer System. Preserverance of prints,  Making of casts.  5. Fingerprints, its characteristics, Methods of developing fingerprints. Format of ‘Form No. 61 (E)’.  6. Documents, Handwriting, Fake Currency Notes, Spurious machine parts/ labels examination. 7. Anti-corruption cases, Cheating, Frauds, Inferior quality of/dissolution of Gold ornaments.                     8.   Vehicular accidents, M. V. ACT, Vehicle thefts, Restoration of original engine/chassis numbers. 9.     Petrol, Diesel and Kerosene Adulteration, Fire, Cement Adulteration and Edible oil Adulteration. 10.   Explosives, RDX, TNT, Dynamites, IED, Bombs, Explosion, Bomb Disposal and Detection Squad. 11.   Narcotic drugs, NDPS Act, Charas, Ganja, Bhang, Opium, Morphine, Heroin etc., RAVE parties. 12.   Ballistics, Arms Act, Hand guns- Pistol, Revolver, AK-47, Bullet Comparison, Bullet Proof Jackets.     13.Important sections of IPC, Theft, Housebreaking, Dacoity. Chili powder-Criminal use. 14.   Poisons, Lethal Dose, Post Mortem material /Viscera, Bones/ Hairs, Preservatives, Gas poisoning (Bhopal case), Submission of poisoning cases/exhibits for poison detection. Food Poisoning. 15Dowry Deaths, Death, by Burning, Suicides Drowning, Electrocution, Sulphuric acid burns. 16. Murder, Attempt to murder, Blood, Semen, Biological Material, Cut marks caused by weapons. 17.Rape, Making of parcels for biological examination. 18.   DNA Fingerprinting profile, DNA availability, Paternity Disputes, Sampling for DNA examination,   Medical Officer’s role - sample collection. Format of ‘Identification form’ for DNA examination. 19. Snake bite, Wild animals cases 20.Wood - Match stick examination. 21. Skull Superimposition. 22.   Alcohol consumption, Prohibition Act,  Illicit liquor, Liquor tragedies, Excise duty samples. 23.  Blood Alcohol(BAC). Formats of   Form No. A and Form No. B.  24.   Dog Squad. 25.Cyber Crime, IT Act – 2000 related sections. 26. Lie Detection / Polygraph, Narco Analysis, BEOS– Brain Fingerprinting, Voice  identification. 27.   Working of Forensic Laboratories and Mode of correspondence to be done with it. 28. Right To Information Act – 2005 and Forensic Science Laboratories. 29.   Job Prospects in Forensic Science Laboratories.
This makes sure that ‘CRIME  FORENSICS’ (Marathi)  will be an excellent tool for Investigating Police Officers and Police Staff to unlock the mystery of various crimes. The book will also be helpful to Police/Police Officers Training Institutes, Refreshers Courses/Workshops, Doctors, Advocates, Medical/ Forensic/ Law Institutions its Staff and Students, Reporters, Private Detectives, NGO and a Layman, too.                                                                                            

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